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Amish(and Mennonite)_Spring_2009

Last Saturday I again had the pleasure of spending the day at the twice-annual gathering of Amish, which is designed to raise money for the local Beaver Run School. This event has been growing each time it’s held. The event is open to the public and has Amish coming from as far as Lancaster, Pa. and I think, Ohio. The day consists of many activities the most prevalent is the auctions with many different ones going on simultaneously. Everything from farm equipment to junk, from livestock to yard sale items are being auctioned all day. Homemade Amish food is in abundance including homemade ice cream. I have been going to this event for about four years now and have gotten to know many of the Amish families. It is a dream place to take photographs and I look forward to it with great anticipation. The spring the weather was perfect. I will be posting photos from this event as a set soon. I hope you enjoy them as much as I had taking them, Thanks for looking!
P.S. Many more pictures coming.
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Amish Girl.
Amish Girl.
Hanging out.
Hanging out.
High profile Amish man.
High profile Amish man.
Syncopated Rhythms.
Syncopated Rhythms.
Amish Dawn.
Amish Dawn.
Rolling Delight.
Rolling Delight.
Rolling Delight 2.
Rolling Delight 2.
Livestock auction gossip.
Livestock auction gossip.
Portrait of an Amish Woman.
Portrait of an Amish Woman.
On top of the world,well actually it was hay bales.
On top of the world,well actually it was hay bales.
Home Spun
Home Spun
Horse Auction
Horse Auction
Oh, Just us Chickens.
Oh, Just us Chickens.
Best seats in the house.
Best seats in the house.
Men with big round things.
Men with big round things.
My shadow going Buggy.
My shadow going Buggy.
Elder 2.
Elder 2.
Golden Braids.
Golden Braids.
Amish girl.
Amish girl.
Amish plowing.
Amish plowing.
Grace 2.
Grace 2.
Amish Girl.
Amish Girl.
Waiting to be Auctioned.
Waiting to be Auctioned.
Watching the horse auction.
Watching the horse auction.