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Marlene Pfeifle | profile | all galleries >> ENTER - Travel, Adventures, and Vacations >> Ireland, July-August 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ireland, July-August 2004

Our visit to Ireland, July-August 2004

We had SUCH a wonderful time!
The people were warm, friendly and gracious. The places we stayed were lovely, and the cities we visited were all so interesting - each differently wonderful in their own special way.

More galleries of shots we took in Ireland - various galleries of Dublin - will be uploaded soon!

Click on each photo gallery to view the rest of the photos for each gallery.

Enniskerry and Powerscourt
:: Enniskerry and Powerscourt ::
Gallery:  Glendalough, County Wicklow, Ireland
:: Gallery: Glendalough, County Wicklow, Ireland ::
Dunbrody Manor House,  Hook Lighthouse and Slade Castle
:: Dunbrody Manor House, Hook Lighthouse and Slade Castle ::
Kinsale, Perryville House and Charles Fort
:: Kinsale, Perryville House and Charles Fort ::
Road-trip from Dublin to Kinsale and back...
:: Road-trip from Dublin to Kinsale and back... ::
Cahir Castle
:: Cahir Castle ::
Golf at St. Margaret's
:: Golf at St. Margaret's ::
Rock of Cashel
:: Rock of Cashel ::