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Marielou Dhumez | all galleries >> Galleries >> cityscapes > City on the Hill - 09
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City on the Hill - 09

June2010 Challenge - "urban and landscapes"
see this link

Nikon D300
1/2000s f/5.6 at 30.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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norbi11-Jun-2010 21:21
Wonderful old church with excellent framing. v. norbi
Jola Dziubinska10-Jun-2010 23:34
Great perspective and composition. BV.
Timothy Guenther09-Jun-2010 16:17
Interesting framing - I like this shot!
Yvonne09-Jun-2010 11:46
Superb composition with the steeple being framed by the housing! v
Mieke WA Minkjan09-Jun-2010 07:39
like the perspective towards the middle, framing the church with the houses
cambraniz09-Jun-2010 07:28
Très bonne gestion des lumières. Une photo claire et nette. V
borisalex09-Jun-2010 06:03
Great view ,like the scope of buildings!
Guest 09-Jun-2010 01:39
beautiful shot.
Bill Reed09-Jun-2010 00:45
Beautiful street, well done
lisamidi08-Jun-2010 19:25
Superb composition and combination of old and new urban elements! v
gerard belbeoch08-Jun-2010 18:33
une belle image.......
J. Scott Coile08-Jun-2010 18:26
Spectacular. A great exposure range. Lovely saturation.
Cindi Smith08-Jun-2010 16:32
This is a wonderful composition. Well seen and shot! Love that church steeple!
Walter Otto Koenig08-Jun-2010 14:35
Great perspective and composition. Very nice clarity and sharpness.
Sandra Cooper08-Jun-2010 10:49
A lovely clear image and perspective.
franz08-Jun-2010 10:47
Béni Hill. BV marielou!