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Maria Tkatchenko | profile | all galleries >> Travel and the outdoors >> Europe tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


In 2003, one of my friends and I spent the month of May on a mandatory backpacking trip through the U.K., France, and Spain.

The unfortunate part is that the other half of my pictures is non-digital at the moment, so some of the best shots are missing.
England and Wales
:: England and Wales ::
:: France ::
:: Spain ::
Crazy waterfountain at the Minneapolis airport
Crazy waterfountain at the Minneapolis airport
The water jet in Geneva
The water jet in Geneva
The shores of Lake Geneva
The shores of Lake Geneva
Has the world gone tipsy-turvy, or is it just Jess?
Has the world gone tipsy-turvy, or is it just Jess?
Kiev, Ukraine
:: Kiev, Ukraine ::