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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Don't..... > Don't organize your removal before getting the key of the new house from the landlord...
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25-MAY-2010 Marisa

Don't organize your removal before getting the key of the new house from the landlord...

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Canon Powershot G11
1/60s f/3.2 at 6.1mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Fabienne29-Mar-2011 16:45
Imaginatif et merveilleusement composé, quel talent!
settler20-Jul-2010 18:22
Super shot opportunity..V!
J. Scott Coile20-Jul-2010 17:48
Inviting :-)
Carol E Sandgren20-Jul-2010 17:45
You're moving out?? Can I have your house?? Fun shot, interesting idea too!
Don Mottershead20-Jul-2010 17:39
Oops! Hope it doesn't rain. Makes for a very unique photo though. ~V~
Guest 20-Jul-2010 17:24
Sound advise, indeed!! Very imaginative, Marisa. v. Lee