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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Elsewhere - Countries and Towns I have liked >> France through my eyes >> We ran out of mustard, so we had to go to Dijon to buy it.... > A little boy, a fountain and a pinch of magic...
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24-APR-2009 Marisa

A little boy, a fountain and a pinch of magic...

Dijon - Bourgogne (France)

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This photo is part of a gallery dedicated to town of Dijon.
If you have time,
click on the mustard pot to see the whole series.

Canon EOS 350D
1/125s f/8.0 at 72.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Robbie D7002-Mar-2011 20:44
An amazing look of happiness and enchantment on his face.
The blues and gold pavement look fantastic along with the shadow.
Really excellent photography.
This for me is what I love in photography and why I am interested in it.
Ashley Hockenberry11-Dec-2010 20:26
Raymond Ma11-Jun-2009 05:57
A wonderfully spirited capture. V
Jean-Luc Rollier08-Jun-2009 14:01
Excellent Marisa! Je vois que nous sommes
inspirés tous les deux par les histoires d'eau!...
:')) JL Vote
Guest 05-Jun-2009 17:09
this is a great shot and so cute and great cadre very well done .v
Jola Dziubinska05-Jun-2009 09:06
Cheerful scene :)
Milan Vogrin01-Jun-2009 08:17
Great photo!V!
PauloCGama01-Jun-2009 01:51
Magical & joyful moment, Marisa!! Love it.
lou_rozensteins01-Jun-2009 00:29
Beautiful! You have certainly caught his mood ..... great shot. Voted.
Guest 31-May-2009 22:16
Great Job Marisa BV
Patrick Allender31-May-2009 21:32
Beautiful. You did a great job with the lighting. Well done.
Rene Hales31-May-2009 20:07
Magic, yes, as there is in this image.--Rene
waterfalls man31-May-2009 19:40
Great Capture V
Jeff Real31-May-2009 17:12
You definitely captured the magic here, Marisa. I wish I was thee so I could join him ~V~
Steve Mockford31-May-2009 17:09
It is too bad that as we age we often lose the touch of magic and with it our capacity for the enjoyment of simple pleasures. This is a wonderful capture Marisa. ~V~
Guest 31-May-2009 16:26
Beautiful Marisa, what a great capture!
Guest 31-May-2009 15:53
Very magical.
Guest 31-May-2009 15:23
I can see here a lot of fun! Very charming!:) V