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Marc Demoulin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Boats > Boats 57 (Dubaï)
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Boats 57 (Dubaï)

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Neil Marcus02-Nov-2012 17:05
Love the gulls against the hull and the faded background of buildings.
Rob de Heer14-Sep-2012 09:25
Love the contast with the buildings.Very well seen,Marc.
Pierre Schneider19-May-2012 08:59
Superbe atmosphère, les bateaux "décrochent" bien de l'arrière plan . V
René Gysi05-May-2012 10:41
Great harbor atmosphere. Wonderful composition, Marc! V
Wim Ensie05-May-2012 10:22
Old boats made of wood are making a nice contrast with the background. Strong compo Marc!
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