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Mooring Preparation & Precautions

*****Our boat was hit to the tune of $25k in damages while on her mooring in Falmouth, ME back in 2005. This was a freak wind storm that came from out of nowhere and the winds for that day were predicted to be under 5 knots. We were hit due to sloppy mooring etiquette on the offenders part.

*****Since I was young I have studied mooring failures because our boats used to be moored in a very unprotected anchorage so it benefited me to know what caused the failure. Through hurricanes, Nor' Easters and many un-named storms we never lost a boat but many around us did. This blog is a photographic based editorial about how I see mooring failure modes. Anchors left on the bows of boats during rough weather can be a MAJOR contributing factor to chafe as can many other aspects. Well before I got a digital camera I would inspect grounded boats after a storm and when I would pull the remaining pieces of pendant through the bow chock they often lined up with the anchor. Chafe is often attributed to the bow chocks, which definitely happens quite often, but I have YET to see even one organization, magazine or "expert" talk about anchor chafe. Sad really!

****I am not going to sugar coat it, my goal is to get the town of Falmouth, ME and others to prohibit anchors on bows during periods of rough weather or at least add strong language to deter the potentially dangerous practice. Hopefully, with the photographic evidence posted here, word will pass around so people remove anchors WITHOUT being forced or asked to.
