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Compass Marine How To | all galleries >> Welcome To >> Re-Bedding Deck Hardware With Bed-It Tape > Countersunk/Beveled Hole
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Countersunk/Beveled Hole

Over the years, especially in the last few weeks via PM's/emails, I have been asked how I bed deck hardware with butyl tape. I officially apologize for being so slow with completed photo examples. I have been meaning to do one but just have not had the time to complete it.

Late one night I was in the barn staring at a cleat, and a small scrap of clear Lexan, hmmmm...... A drill, counter sink, some butyl tape, my camera and a few minutes later I had the pics I needed. Sorry it took so long it just needed to "click" the way I wanted to present it..

Here's how I bed with Bed-It Tape:

Step 1 - Countersink the deck holes slightly and then clean everything with Acetone or a similar fast evaporating solvent.

Nikon D200
1/250s f/14.0 at 70.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 11-Mar-2013 13:54
How I wish I had found this site a few years ago! I rebed a few deck fittings with 5200. Many of them now leak and trying to remove these fittings to rebed properly is next to impossible. My son just bought a "fixer upper" and I have warned him. It tgruly is the devil's glue!
Chuck 10-Sep-2012 11:37
Can I assume that you Drill the hole first then countersink the deck-side of the hole? How do you prevent spider cracks around the hole if you drill the straight hole first?