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Removing Flax With A Pick

Success! The first flax ring is on its way out!

Nikon D70s
1/60s f/4.0 at 50.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Rog09-Mar-2009 14:38
Excellent pictures & description. My pick didn't work too well. I used a 1 1/2" sheet rock screw. Found the seam & using a screwdriver turn the screw in; using a pliers at the screwhead & using the nut for leverage pulled the first layer of packing out, same for the next layer
Rick 08-May-2007 14:43
GREAT article owever you didn't mention how to put the new flux back in. Do I cut the ring to slide over the shaft? This article was mostly idiod proof except for that part.

Thanks, Rick Haynes