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m1ke_a | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Jill Windmill, Clayton, W Sussex tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Jill Windmill, Clayton, W Sussex

Jill Windmill is partnered with Jack on top of the South Downs near Brighton.

She's maintained by

These shots have been taken at night to get a different take on a famous landmark.
She's not lit at night so all of these have been with lit with LED torchlight and long exposure.

Jill Windmill, Clayton,  W Sussex
Jill Windmill, Clayton, W Sussex
g3/60/633860/3/88092267.HO7giPvV.jpg g3/60/633860/3/87861403.aMR8BW7G.jpg g3/60/633860/3/87861830.N7uwdjKJ.jpg
g6/60/633860/3/85371404.KARMR6pP.jpg Jill Windmill, Clayton,  W Sussex
Jill Windmill, Clayton, W Sussex
Antique light
Antique light