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Lysobey US | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Nov 2008 Birthday Celebrations and Kite Flying tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Nov 2008 Birthday Celebrations and Kite Flying

November 2008
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Let's go to the Carousel!
Let's go to the Carousel!
Oh boy!
Oh boy!
First, the Carriage
First, the Carriage
 Birthday Ride on the Carousel
Birthday Ride on the Carousel
Now, the Ponies!
Now, the Ponies!
Riding High
Riding High
Papa's Birthday Celebration
Papa's Birthday Celebration
First Ride on a Ferris Wheel
First Ride on a Ferris Wheel
We're on top of the world!
We're on top of the world!
Ferris Wheel
Ferris Wheel
Flying Solo
Flying Solo
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