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Lydia Sanderson | all galleries >> Galleries >> images_of_the_week >
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donmarie14-May-2013 18:52
nice legs
Guest 22-Jan-2008 20:44
#1 set of legs
Guest 30-Nov-2006 09:11
a lovely picture. First class legs and a nice figure. I got a lot of pleasure from it.
dennis 27-Apr-2006 05:41
we need some new sexy pictures like this
Guest 02-Mar-2003 17:01
Hi LydiaBabe,
Your beautiful upper torso and well muscled legs compliment each other very well in this one! With your arousing nipples showing through and the leg-crossing manuever well done as always, this makes - in my opinion - one of your sexiest and classiest photos on this site!!!! You are one beautiful creature and it is always my pleasure to log on here, compliment you and view your TOPGUN form! Til I write again.


bill 04-Feb-2003 04:16
i would give anything just to sit and watch you dress and undress all day long. you are very classy sexy woman.