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Deems Burton | all galleries >> The High Sierra, John Muir's Range of Light >> The John Muir Shelter at 11,955 feet in Kings Canyon National Park > Plaque on the John Muir Shelter Memorial on Muir Pass
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Plaque on the John Muir Shelter Memorial on Muir Pass

Canon PowerShot A70
1/160s f/4.5 at 5.4mm full exif

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Guest 16-Apr-2010 17:41
I spent most of the day hiking in snow, thinking it was just minutes away. Finally arriving drained and very tired. Worth every step. I have my friend Al to thank. Looking forward to going back soon!
B. Chiaravalle
Santa Rosa, Ca
Donald Lounibos 19-Dec-2006 21:27
I spent the night here. After 25 days hiking the evolution wilderness, out of food, late at night in November 1978. A mountain lions cry woke me up to the full moon at 3 am. It was a cry of pain. It was a cry of nature. It was a cry of life. I walked out of a snow storm 5 days later. Life is short enjoy every minute. Don Lounibos. Petaluma.
Monte Dodge23-Sep-2006 00:06
Nice shot of the Plaque!! v
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