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Long Bach Nguyen | all galleries >> Galleries >> AIRPLANE MILITARY > 912 ARS KC-135R, March AFB, Departing Boeing Field, Seattle Washington
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912 ARS KC-135R, March AFB, Departing Boeing Field, Seattle Washington

Nikon D800
1/320s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Webman0627-Jan-2015 05:57
That venerable Boeing 707 still going strong. Great capture after rotation. V
Neil Marcus26-Jan-2015 20:01
An impressive catch at the right instant, Long. "V"
Pieter Bos26-Jan-2015 19:55
Great catch, Long! ~V
janescottcumming26-Jan-2015 18:01
A powerful looking plane!
Helen Betts26-Jan-2015 17:32
Great capture, and I like how you can see the heat emanating from the plane.
Martin Lamoon26-Jan-2015 17:11
Great closeup.
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