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Laurence Matson | profile | all galleries >> Sigma SD10 >> Outings and Escapes >> England tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map


A quick trip to cover a dog and see some friends. Later the same. And once again, the same to see some dogs.
Hunting Terriers
Hunting Terriers
Country Terrier Show
Country Terrier Show
Brothers in Arms
Brothers in Arms
This is my buddy, they each say
"This is my buddy," they each say
Seeing Eye to Eye
Seeing Eye to Eye
The Spoils
The Spoils
Dorset Sunset
Dorset Sunset
Eddie Chapman with his terriers
Eddie Chapman with his terriers
Micheline Listening
Micheline Listening
Sunset Horse
Sunset Horse
Church Roof
Church Roof
Laid to Rest
Laid to Rest
A Henry James Visage II
A Henry James Visage II
Country Avenue
Country Avenue
Foxwarren Sportman
Foxwarren Sportman
New Forest Color
New Forest Color
New Forest Home
New Forest Home
Verdant Trees
Verdant Trees
Beehive Cottage
Beehive Cottage
Broomfield Church
Broomfield Church
The Verger
The Verger
Broomfield Cemetery I
Broomfield Cemetery I
Churchwood House
Churchwood House
Vine Cottage 1 in Broomfield
Vine Cottage 1 in Broomfield
Kent Sky
Kent Sky
Broomfield Cemetery II
Broomfield Cemetery II
Here lies Louisa Hollands
Here lies Louisa Hollands
Sacristy Entrance
Sacristy Entrance
Church Roof
Church Roof
Old Tree
Old Tree
Crossing Guards
Crossing Guards
Rip Naomi, Phyllis, Margery, Bella, Douglas, Susan, Jennifer, Michael, Thomas, Elizabeth
Rip Naomi, Phyllis, Margery, Bella, Douglas, Susan, Jennifer, Michael, Thomas, Elizabeth
Distant Blossom
Distant Blossom
Captured Angel
Captured Angel
Salisbury Cathedral
Salisbury Cathedral
Best buddies
Best buddies
Need a trim
Need a trim
Eddie Chapman
Eddie Chapman
Old Blue Eyes
Old Blue Eyes
Mother and child
Mother and child
Proud ribbon winner
Proud ribbon winner
Mae and her beau
Mae and her beau
Hunt Country - Aunt Mary's Bottom
Hunt Country - Aunt Mary's Bottom
Rape Fields near Dorchester
Rape Fields near Dorchester