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Dave's Workshop (click to enter this gallery)

ICF construction
Putting In The Foundation (click to enter this gallery)
:: Putting In The Foundation (click to enter this gallery) ::
Stacking The ICF (click to enter this gallery)
:: Stacking The ICF (click to enter this gallery) ::
Bracing And Finishing The Walls (click to enter this gallery)
:: Bracing And Finishing The Walls (click to enter this gallery) ::
Finally Pouring The Concrete! (click to enter this gallery)
:: Finally Pouring The Concrete! (click to enter this gallery) ::
Putting In the Floor (click to enter this gallery)
:: Putting In the Floor (click to enter this gallery) ::
Walls and Stucco (click to enter this gallery)
:: Walls and Stucco (click to enter this gallery) ::
The Roof (click to enter this gallery)
:: The Roof (click to enter this gallery) ::
Getting The Utilities Installed
:: Getting The Utilities Installed ::
Fall 2009
:: Fall 2009 ::