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6th May 2005 - battle scars

Those aches I had yesterday have aches on them today. Oh and my skin has several layers of paint…..and so has my hair, my camera, my very expensive macro lens, the floor, the dogs and DM. BUT so have the walls and ceiling of our sitting room. I sit here typing cack-handedly because the vice-like grip I have exerted over my paint brush and roller all day (from 11am until 6.30pm…..bang goes that four hour rule) has given me a bird-like claw instead of a hand tonight.

As I type though, I feel extremely smug. Although both the ceiling and the walls need another coat tomorrow, the transformation of the room is absolutely wonderful. We are both being struck down by the ‘wow’ bug – every so often one of us stands still and says ‘wow – look at that – it’s fabulous’. It is too.

What’s most incredible is the light in the room has totally changed – instead of black beams and dark red walls absorbing the light, the creamy ceiling and beams, coupled with the pale buttery yellow of the walls bounces the light around in such a warm, inviting manner. The whole effect is really cosy. I know this is something of a gush but I am (for once) unable to find a way of articulating my happiness without resorting to the vernacular of the estate agent!

It’s by no means the end of this slog, the kitchen will be started in earnest tomorrow, when we can move the meagre furniture we have from the kitchen area to the sitting area so I can slosh paint around without damaging stuff. (I don’t count getting paint on me, DM, the floor or the dogs as damaging stuff – we’ll all polish up no bother.)

So now we’re off for a night on the tiles to ease our aches. A rather nice-looking new restaurant has just opened in the town nearby and we’re meeting our friends there for dinner. Carriages are booked via our neighbour who just happens to run a small taxi company…..keeping our money in the street again gives me pleasure. Hopefully it’ll be a night to match the day – well, I mean the excitement of the day rather than the hard graft and grubbiness.

I’m so hungry I could eat a horse…..hang on a minute, I’m a vegetarian…….maybe a horse-sized pile of veggies then!

a year ago, I was getting my wires crossed and attributing Pale Blue Eyes to Edwyn Collins, when his version was, in fact, a cover of the original Velvet Underground song....nonetheless wonderful though....Edwyn, we are still sending you good vibes to help get you through your illness, which we now see is complicated by MRSA. Two years ago, my baby Rosie was catching a few rays!

other sizes: small medium original auto
Michael Todd Thorpe21-May-2005 21:59
Lots of hard work and some judiciously-applied paint... :-)
brother_mark08-May-2005 02:34
Excellent photo to tell your story for today. I hope you'll be sharing some before and after photos, when you've finished the kitchen. The transformations that a good plaster adn paint job can bring are always neat to see.
Ian Clowes07-May-2005 19:55
Gail Davison07-May-2005 17:55
I can just FEEL the hard work from this shot.
Guest 07-May-2005 08:59
nice shot. there is such a sense of acheivement to do it yourself - although I share that pain with you :) Well done.
Ian Chappell07-May-2005 05:11
Hey you should have hired a professional!!
northstar3706-May-2005 22:32
Almost looks like the detail on a statue, or a war memorial or something! Hopefully your surprisingly spacious bedroom will now be a 'monument' to the owners' good taste. Aaargh, this estate-agent-speak is catching.
Cheryl Hawkins06-May-2005 21:12
Jeanne's pretty handy at painting, too bad she couldn't be there to help! LOL
I am looking forward to seeing the finished paint job, as I'm sure you are. Enjoy your well deserved night out.
Coleen Perilloux Landry06-May-2005 20:50
I like it and the story as to how you earned it is good. A little paint can change a whole personality (and everyone else's).
twistedlim06-May-2005 20:30
I don't know why in particular but I really like it.
Antonis Sarantos06-May-2005 19:48
Perfect. Voted!!!
yosi aptekar06-May-2005 19:45
outstanding shot.
Josy's Pics06-May-2005 19:26
Awesome shot!
Lee Rudd06-May-2005 18:57
It always gets in the hair! Hope the camera and lens clean up well.... enjoy your evening