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L. Gould | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> flowers tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
...holga flower ...
...holga flower ...
...spider mum in sepia...
...spider mum in sepia...
...emerging from the darkness...
...emerging from the darkness...
...dreaming of flowers...
...dreaming of flowers...
...feeling blue...
...feeling blue...
...there is always hope...
...there is always hope...
...if only...
...if only...
...passion (2)...
...passion (2)... (2)... (2)...
...pansy #1...
...pansy #1...
...magnolia #1...
...magnolia #1...
...magnolia #2...
...magnolia #2...
...magnolia #3...
...magnolia #3...
...bright spot...
...bright spot...
...pansies... the garden... the garden...