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~ 17/01/2010 ~ at this stage she was feeling the effects of steroids & chemotherapy preventing her from sleeping.

Emily was diagnosed on 1/1/2010 with Infant Accute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, just 4 days short of her & twin sister Jorja's 1st birthday.

On 8/2/2010 she went into remission.

Chemotherapy will continue for 2 years under the care of the wonderful Oncology Department at Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5
1/60s f/3.3 at 4.7mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
ewa toll13-Mar-2010 13:22
poor little Emily ...
joanteno13-Mar-2010 10:34
Steroids are tough, you want to sleep but you can't. You got celebrate the small victories along the way. Hopefully, those two years will go quickly.
Sheila13-Mar-2010 01:54
A very poignant image, Laine.
Cindy12-Mar-2010 23:30
Oh goodness Laine, how terrible for all of you, she is an absolute doll. I pray the remission is a lifetime remission. Hugs to her and your family.
Gerhard Ritsema12-Mar-2010 23:06
I know 3 children who were diagnosed clean after 2-3 years of treatment. I wish you a lot of strenght, faith and love in this proces!
Ann...12-Mar-2010 22:26
Such a moving shot…… are all in my thoughts. Keep strong!
Chris12-Mar-2010 15:44
It appears as such an adult pose - so many cares. But I hope the good news continues. Thinking about you lots!
Yvonne12-Mar-2010 09:29
I wish I could give her a hug, hope tonight is better, wonderful shot Laine, thanks! x
Gerard Koehl12-Mar-2010 04:20
La pauvre petite, elle a l'aire épuisé sur cette photo. Courage Emily...
Coleen Perilloux Landry12-Mar-2010 04:18
Poor precious little baby; she's so tired but the steroids keep her wound up. Hug her for all of us.
Cindi Smith12-Mar-2010 03:50
Poor baby....she looks tired. I oh so know that feeling. I just want to take it all away from her.
Roe..12-Mar-2010 01:26
sweet little Emily..I'd love to hug her..beautiful soft image..
sue anne12-Mar-2010 00:12
Yes she looks like she's ready for a nap.
Phillip Normanton11-Mar-2010 22:51
Aww, looks tired :)
Stephanie11-Mar-2010 22:45
Such a cute portrait of this little angel! V :^))
How is she doing Laine?
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