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British Isles Galleries

Spanning England, Scotland, and the Inner Hebrides
Basalt Columns of Staffa Island
Basalt Columns of Staffa Island
Scottish Highlands Travelogue
Scottish Highlands Travelogue
Pond abstract reflections in Scotland
Pond abstract reflections in Scotland
Isle of Skye Scotland Travelogue
Isle of Skye Scotland Travelogue
Clare College, Cambridge UK
Clare College, Cambridge UK
Isle of Mull Scotland Travelogue
Isle of Mull Scotland Travelogue
Dreams of Edinburgh
Dreams of Edinburgh
London Calling
London Calling
Newton's Principia Mathematica
Newton's Principia Mathematica
Cambridge UK
Cambridge UK
Wiston House, UK
Wiston House, UK
Late Night in Leith, Edinburgh
Late Night in Leith, Edinburgh
Doors of Cambridge UK
Doors of Cambridge UK
Peebles, Scotland
Peebles, Scotland