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Karen Leaf | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo a Day >> Pad/Peso 2007 >> TNT > 7-7-7
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One of the estimated (The knot) 34,000 brides of 7-7-7 and one of the 34,000 photographers.
That would happen to be yours truly, taken by my assistant and friend Kelly.
Guess she had a large enough target to focus on :)

Canon EOS 350D
1/60s f/5.6 at 135.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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virginiacoastline15-Aug-2007 02:59
so there were actually 34,001 photogs =)
heheheh . . .I wondered who that was genuflecting in the aisle
Bryan Ramsay12-Jul-2007 12:25
;o)) Great shot! -BJ
Bryan Ramsay12-Jul-2007 12:24
;o)) Great shot! -BJ
Robyco11-Jul-2007 13:31
Great catch and a day to remember for a lot of people !! (V)
Guest 09-Jul-2007 22:17
What fun! Great capture!
Lori Rolfe09-Jul-2007 17:24
happy day!
Gary Winters09-Jul-2007 06:12
I wouldn't do that for all the tea in China. Way too much pressure!
Guest 09-Jul-2007 02:08
Well done girl! You must have been busy yesterday!
Guest 09-Jul-2007 00:38
Very cool! V
Herb 09-Jul-2007 00:26
I am impressed.
joanteno08-Jul-2007 22:49
Looking good - getting the key shot! Congrats..
Robin Reid08-Jul-2007 21:58
Fun shot ... and it is great to see you there in the midst of the action getting those special shots. This must have been post betrothal.
Coleen Perilloux Landry08-Jul-2007 21:58
Wow, you've now got an assistant.
laine8208-Jul-2007 20:23
LOL...nice angle, Kelly..lots of smiles here too !!
Guest 08-Jul-2007 20:22
An assistant!
I'm impressed!