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Michael Gehrisch | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Ice Hotel; from Jokkmokk to Jukkasjärvi... tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Ice Hotel; from Jokkmokk to Jukkasjärvi...

A quick visit to the 400th annual Jokkmokks Marknad. During the four day event this Swedish village of 3,000 just below the Arctic circle (N 66°36.241’ E 019°49.784’)swells to 30,000.

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Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi and traditional transport
Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi and traditional transport
Hotel Reception
Hotel Reception
Suite at the Ice Hotel
Suite at the Ice Hotel
Deluxe Suite, Jukkasjärvi
Deluxe Suite, Jukkasjärvi
Suite with a Dog-Sled theme
Suite with a Dog-Sled theme
Luxury  Suite
Luxury Suite
Just a simple Suite...
Just a simple Suite...
Art and Kristina
Art and Kristina
Absolut Ice Bar
Absolut Ice Bar
Ice Church
Ice Church
Ice Church interior
Ice Church interior
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