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The Boys

My furry little children!!
Norman is the brown tabby (March 17, 1988 to November 25, 2002) -- He will always be remembered with love
Eppy is the ruddy abyssinian mix (December 1, 1988 to February 2, 2009) -- I will always love you Sweet Pea!!
Gus is the grey (September 27, 2002 to July 14, 2005) -- He left us much too early
Clancy is the red abyssinian (June 12, 2005 and still kickin')
Finnegan (Finn) is the ruddy abyssinan (September 25, 2008 to November 15, 2012 - A trooper until the end, I miss you Finnegan!)
Seamus is the next ruddy abyssinian (August 28, 2012 and still kickin')
[ Norman ]
[ Eppy ]
Norman & Eppy
[ Norman & Eppy ]
[ Gus ]
Eppy & Gus
[ Eppy & Gus ]
[ Clancy ]
Eppy & Clancy
[ Eppy & Clancy ]
[ Finnegan ]
Clancy & Finn
[ Clancy & Finn ]
[ Seamus ]