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Brian K. H. Yim | profile | all galleries >> Hong Kong >> Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence

Before it was converted into Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, it was the premises of former Lei Yue Mun Fort. The Lei Yue Mun Fort was constructed in 1885. The purpose of this fort is to defend the possible attacks from France and Russia. Therefore, Royal Engineers designed and built this redoubt on the peak of south coast of Lei Yue Mun (eastern approach to the Victoria Harbour). The first step of construction was to excavate out soil. Then the barracks and courtyards were built at this concealed space. In 19th century and early of 20th century, it was the most powerful defensive facility for protecting Victoria Habour.

In 1987, the British Force was wholly left and vacated this training camp. After a series of conservation work and decorations, it has open opening to public from 25th July, 2000.
Exhibition Courtyard
Exhibition Courtyard
Mock Barrack Room
Mock Barrack Room
Gate Emblem of HMS Tamar
Gate Emblem of HMS Tamar
Anchor of HMS Tamar
Anchor of HMS Tamar
The Brennan Torpedo Station (1)
The Brennan Torpedo Station (1)
The Brennan Torpedo Station (2)
The Brennan Torpedo Station (2)
The Gunpowder Factory
The Gunpowder Factory
Commemorated Monument (1)
Commemorated Monument (1)
Commemorated Monument (2)
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Ferret Mark II Armoured Car
Ferret Mark II Armoured Car
Saracen Mark II Armoured Personnel Carrier
Saracen Mark II Armoured Personnel Carrier
British Comet Mark I Tank (1)
British Comet Mark I Tank (1)
British Comet Mark I Tank (2)
British Comet Mark I Tank (2)
Tactical Recognition Flash
Tactical Recognition Flash
25-Pounds Mark II Field Gun
25-Pounds Mark II Field Gun
40-mm Bofors Anti-aircraft Gun
40-mm Bofors Anti-aircraft Gun
British 9 inch rifled muzzle-loading Mark I gun
British 9 inch rifled muzzle-loading Mark I gun
Central Battery
Central Battery
Central Battery: Depression Range Finder
Central Battery: Depression Range Finder
Central Battery & Underground Magazine
Central Battery & Underground Magazine
Underground Magazine (1)
Underground Magazine (1)
Underground Magazine (2)
Underground Magazine (2)
Underground Magazine (3)
Underground Magazine (3)
Equipment in Underground Magazine
Equipment in Underground Magazine
The Light House
The Light House