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Kerry Pierce | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Nikon D70 in Washington, D.C. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Nikon D70 in Washington, D.C.

UPDATE; August 29, 2004

I've returned to Detroit, ending my 6 month assignment in DC. I've still got quite a few photos from DC that need processing to put up here, but when they are finished that will be the end of this gallery. I'll start a new one for the photos that I take from this point forward.
                                          New Stuff
::  New Stuff ::
Gallery of People
:: Gallery of People ::
Gallery of Photographers
:: Gallery of Photographers ::
Gallery of Animals
:: Gallery of Animals ::
Lincoln Memorial Gallery
:: Lincoln Memorial Gallery ::
Washington Memorial Gallery
:: Washington Memorial Gallery ::
Jefferson Memorial Gallery
:: Jefferson Memorial Gallery ::
WW II Memorial Gallery
:: WW II Memorial Gallery ::
Korean War Memorial Gallery
:: Korean War Memorial Gallery ::
Viet Nam War Memorial Gallery
:: Viet Nam War Memorial Gallery ::
Gallery of Various Photos
:: Gallery of Various Photos ::
:: Macro ::
:: Abstracts ::
All D70 shots in Washington
:: All D70 shots in Washington ::
FLEX Snapshots
:: FLEX Snapshots ::