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02b - The dredge R.N. Weeks


The photos in this gallery are of the dredge R.N. Weeks that were taken by me on October 25, 2006 in the Gulf of Mexico just off Navarre Beach, Florida. The dredge R.N. Weeks and dredge B.E. Lindholm were both involved in the Navarre Beach Restoration Project. The R.N. Weeks and B.E. Lindholm are owned operated by Weeks Marine, Inc. who own a fleet of dredge ships and land operating equipment. Weeks Marine is the contractor for the Navarre Beach Restoration Project.

I would like to thank Peter Ravella with Coastal Technology, the consultant for Santa Rosa County regarding the Navarre Beach Restoration Project in coordinating this photo event. I would especially like to thank Tim Weckwerth, who made all the final arrangements to allow me to come aboard the R.N. Weeks. And I would like to thank Roger Blaylock the Engineer for Santa Rosa County, who helped in making it all happen.

As I came aboard the R.N. Weeks Captain Bob McCabe was the first person to greet me. Captain McCabe really rolled out the red carpet for my photo shoot. He personally gave me a one hour plus guided tour of the entire ship from top to bottom. Captain McCabe has extremely helpful in pointing out areas that I might be interested in shooting. You could tell that Captain McCabe was proud of his Ship and crew. Pete Zimmerman the Chief Engineer was very friendly and helpful too about the photos I might shoot. The R.N. Weeks has a crew of about 15 people 24/7 and it is not unusual to have two to four observers on board.

The thing that impressed me the most about the R.N. Weeks was how huge the ship was and how clean it was. I have viewed the R.N. Weeks over the past seven months, but being on board gave me a totally different perspective. The photos at the end of the gallery are of the bridge, which reminded me of a Star Wars movie. Thanks to Weeks Marine, Navarre Beach has a beautiful new beach. Your comments below are welcomed.

For more information about Weeks Marine go to
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