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Pawel Kazmierczyk | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Why I like to camp tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Why I like to camp

I do a good amount of camping, and people sometimes ask what I find so attractive in travelling with a tent instead of staying in a proper hotel,
with a restaurant, frotte towels, and a morning cappuccino.
While I am a big fan of such comforts on the road, there is something liberating in travelling with your 'bedroom' and kitchen stowed in the boot of the car.
The freedom of not having to follow a fixed schedule, overnighting where and when you want, the beauty of the surroundings, and the near-endless
daylight hours during Scandinavian summers make for a winning combination. And few things taste like a dinner cooked in the wild on a spirit stove ...

Below is an attempt to illustrate some of these points

A place with a view
A place with a view
A hint of light drizzle
A hint of light drizzle
Full moon
Full moon
Overnight on a plantation
Overnight on a plantation
Making a case for camping in the wild
Making a case for camping in the wild
Getting settled for the evening
Getting settled for the evening
Sweden's castles
Sweden's castles
Private terrace
Private terrace
Morning brew
Morning brew
Weather will make it...
Weather will make it...
... or break it - same place 12hrs later
... or break it - same place 12hrs later
Liliputian tent
Liliputian tent
Fascination with windmills
Fascination with windmills
Fascination with windmills continued...
Fascination with windmills continued...
Location location location
Location location location
Watching the regatta
Watching the regatta
Make yourself a(t) home
Make yourself a(t) home
Cliff edge
Cliff edge
A day at the beach
A day at the beach
Secure perimeter
Secure perimeter
Very secure perimeter
Very secure perimeter
Plane spotting
Plane spotting
Vikings had been here
Vikings had been here
Never mind the weather
Never mind the weather
I hate the sound of rain hitting the fabric
I hate the sound of rain hitting the fabric
Iceland, 22:35 - ravioli hour
Iceland, 22:35 - ravioli hour
My tent watches the neighbour
My tent watches the neighbour
Plan B, for the really nasty weather
Plan B, for the really nasty weather
Magnificent desolation
Magnificent desolation
More classic way to camp
More classic way to camp
May day
May day
Long shadows
Long shadows
Camp Milkyway
Camp Milkyway
My patio
My patio
Closed for the night
Closed for the night
Birthday camp
Birthday camp
A night in the outskirts
A night in the outskirts
Tent on a promontory
Tent on a promontory
Starting a new season
Starting a new season
Shade is good!
Shade is good!