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Karl Baer | all galleries >> Themengalerie / Topic gallery >> Trees / Baeume > Luethaertigen (04789)
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Luethaertigen (04789)

Menzingen (Schweiz / Switzerland)

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Rosemarie Kusserow14-Jan-2011 15:36
Magical image, l love these sunny winter days, fine composition and light, V
Rosemarie :o)
Guest 14-Jan-2007 22:28
Great catch
Guest 16-Nov-2006 19:05
superpose|da 01-Mar-2006 19:55
Jean-François Hasson 21-Feb-2006 19:12
Whooof... ! So much light bouncing towards me ! Amazing !
Sylvie Vanderperre04-Feb-2006 12:33
I like it very much
glo 25-Dec-2005 01:32
As I sit ......gazing.......speachless
Karen Moen26-Nov-2005 19:27
Nice how the clouds and shadows make streaks across the picture. Very strong image. Voted.
Candyce 26-Sep-2005 22:16
You really captured the moment...
G.Pietro Munaretto05-Aug-2005 09:47
bella foto
Guest 03-Jun-2005 08:34
Great Shot!
Krzysztof Kuzbik07-Apr-2005 20:16
Guest 23-Mar-2005 03:14
Great shot~!