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Ali Majdfar | all galleries >> Galleries >> Expression > Green Aspire Despite Restriction
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Green Aspire Despite Restriction

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veraferia18-Feb-2011 11:45
Splendid composition!
Dwight Rankine14-Feb-2011 13:24
A beautiful composition!
Marco Valk20-Jun-2010 12:01
excellent shot; well composed. v
Carol Rollins06-Jan-2010 12:55
Wonderfully done Ali! ~
Margot W03-Jan-2010 19:34
What a beauty Ali. Love the caption too.
Char21-Sep-2009 13:40
Hi Ali,
A terrific composition! \/
Guest 21-Sep-2009 02:58
Great capture, Ali. Awesome color and detail. V
Guest 20-Sep-2009 20:18
great capture :)
Valene20-Sep-2009 17:19
Wonderful shot! V
Hank Vander Velde20-Sep-2009 01:18
Very nicely captured Ali.
Ceya19-Sep-2009 08:16
Beautiful capture, great message. V!
Guest 19-Sep-2009 05:59
Excellent ! V!
princess19-Sep-2009 04:45
Nice composition. V.
Marcela Mejia Photography19-Sep-2009 03:00
Nice shot Ali, the fish seems to be actually looking at he plant outside the fisbbowl.
Marcia Colelli19-Sep-2009 01:28
nice composition V
Guest 18-Sep-2009 22:49
Brilliant shot Ali! V
marie-jose wolff18-Sep-2009 21:40
very fine shot of this goldfish! V
laine18-Sep-2009 21:40
Swim little fish as fast as you can,
and he swam and he swam all over that dam :))
patou18-Sep-2009 17:19
Il aimerait bien sortir celui la , c est bien realisé (v )
Paco López18-Sep-2009 16:08
Excellent!! V!
FrankB18-Sep-2009 16:01
nice shot!.....V
Patricia Kay18-Sep-2009 15:24
Great shot Ali...BV
Guest 18-Sep-2009 15:02
perfect composition and great colors and cut , ali well done .v
Stephanie18-Sep-2009 14:54
Love your goldfish image Ali! V.
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