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Arnoldas Jurgaitis Photography | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Arnoldas Jurgaitis Photography > Around the world of herbs tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Arnoldas Jurgaitis Photography > Around the world of herbs

With special respect to the beauty of Lithuanian floral world
Gulliver in a land of Lilliputs
Gulliver in a land of Lilliputs
timothy grass
timothy grass
when the sky comes down on earth
when the sky comes down on earth
after rain
after rain
tails of lemurs
tails of lemurs
under the maple tree
under the maple tree
before the storm comes
before the storm comes
in the rain
in the rain
quiet whiff from the dark
quiet whiff from the dark
where shadows turn to the light
where shadows turn to the light
in a wind
in a wind
in a light of fading summer
in a light of fading summer
clover in late September
clover in late September
rainy day in a forest
rainy day in a forest