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Susanne v. Schroeder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Macro World tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Macro World

A sampling of the fascinating macro world. A different world opens up when you start to look closer.
All about drops
:: All about drops ::
Drop meets Ocean
:: Drop meets Ocean ::
Birth of a Castor Bean Plant
:: Birth of a Castor Bean Plant ::
A miniature ice crystal tree
A miniature ice crystal tree
g6/61/751361/3/75517727.oNOCbx4a.jpg g6/61/751361/3/75517728.3RcNFp4q.jpg g6/61/751361/3/75517729.POqNJq84.jpg g6/61/751361/3/75517731.kOHsrS8Z.jpg
g6/61/751361/3/75517733.OJ4yvTcY.jpg Close up with a pine cone
Close up with a pine cone
Spruce needles
Spruce needles
Crabapple or is it a cherry?
Crabapple or is it a cherry?
New Life, New Beginning
New Life, New Beginning
A different world
A different world
g6/61/751361/3/76936184.JLHCustG.jpg g6/61/751361/3/76871396.38KSfH6t.jpg Fire and Ice
Fire and Ice