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JudyHickman | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Swimmimg with the Dolphins tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Swimmimg with the Dolphins

We took a boat ride on Adam and Laurel's boat and got to swim with the dolphins.
Flipper came over to see us
Flipper came over to see us
Then 2 more dolphins
Then 2 more dolphins
Such beautiful creatures
Such beautiful creatures
Adam the dolphin whisperer
Adam the dolphin whisperer
Avery and dolphin
Avery and dolphin
Avery ready to touch
Avery ready to touch
chasing flipper
chasing flipper
The ocean looks like a pool!  No wonder they call this the Emerald Coast!
The ocean looks like a pool! No wonder they call this the Emerald Coast!
Daddy and Paige on the boat
Daddy and Paige on the boat
dirty fin
dirty fin
dolphin heading toward Paige
dolphin heading toward Paige
Paige touched this dolphin
Paige touched this dolphin
Laurel, Josh, and Avery jump off the boat
Laurel, Josh, and Avery jump off the boat
Paige and Josh swimming with a dolphin
Paige and Josh swimming with a dolphin
getting closer
getting closer
almost there
almost there
first dolphin sighting
first dolphin sighting
Paige's dolphin
Paige's dolphin
lots of dolphins
lots of dolphins
Josh is not sure what is swimming toward him
Josh is not sure what is swimming toward him
Paige and Josh
Paige and Josh
swimming with dolphins
swimming with dolphins
Uncle Adam with Paige and Avery
Uncle Adam with Paige and Avery
Josh, Avery, and Paige enjoying the boat ride.
Josh, Avery, and Paige enjoying the boat ride.