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Modern Maternal

For you on Mother's Day

Canon EOS 5D
1/1250s f/5.6 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

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Sue Robertson16-May-2007 23:04
This is excellent. I can just see you moving around this structure waiting for the sun to get just in the right position. It works well.
Ray :)16-May-2007 15:57
So glad you included the sun here - it really makes the image complete.
shatterbug16-May-2007 04:57
Creative image! The light rays really make the shot, suggesting a higher order...well done!
Kal Khogali15-May-2007 13:21
!Great Jenene, I like the expression of birth you have created by using the sun. Brilliant. K
Michael Shpuntov15-May-2007 04:06
Excellent composition and idea. Beautiful realization. Great light.
Cindi Smith14-May-2007 22:39
Love the scuplture....he's one of my favorite sculptors. Beautiful and the shot of the sun behind the head is magnificent. Wonderful work, Janene!
Guest 14-May-2007 04:40
Where the light and the life comes from!
Roe..14-May-2007 02:16
the rays of sun create an added warmth against this form..perfect title..excellent
Phil Douglis14-May-2007 02:02
A brilliant mother's day image, Jenene -- the sun is placed perfectly, and your vantage point stresses the maternal aspects of the human female form. It is certainly abstract, incongruous, and expressive of that universal human value: motherhood.