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JSWaters | all galleries >> Galleries >> Abstractions > The Season of Long Shadows
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The Season of Long Shadows

Canon EOS 5D
1/4000s f/4.5 at 36.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Craig Persel07-Feb-2008 21:14
Wonderfully creative.
Popko van Meekeren25-Jan-2008 23:12
Great idea. Wonderfull craftmanship!
Alina16-Aug-2007 12:31
The wind is always moving them when you want to take a picture ;) So you have to hold it, right? great photo
Roe..16-May-2007 15:08
surreal but not..I love this image..unique..creative..brilliant..
Phil Douglis27-Oct-2006 22:40
Amazing image, Jenene -- it is a beautiful blend of abstraction (the shadow), incongruity (reality vs. fantasy), and human values: man's admiration of nature.
Kal Khogali27-Oct-2006 09:33
Life in the shadowlands...I like the feeling of alter ego's, and parallel worlds. K
Sue Robertson27-Oct-2006 08:29
Excellent work. The idea is so creative.
Ray :)26-Oct-2006 20:38
Really like this Janene, the composition is outstanding.
BAS Photography26-Oct-2006 18:34
Great composition! ~V~