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JSWaters | all galleries >> Gone A-Wandering >> california > The Lake
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The Lake

Heading to the lake for the weekend. Haven't been around pbase much lately, but I do check in on everyone when I can. Things should change here pretty soon. :-)

Canon EOS 5D
1/50s f/11.0 at 32.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Michael Shpuntov13-Nov-2009 03:42
Excellent. Classic shot. Vote.
Sue Robertson09-Jul-2009 03:06
Well I wouldn't be too worried about pbase if I was heading here.. what a beautiful relaxing place..
Roe..07-Jul-2009 01:01
so many layers of beauty..enjoy your time away..
Phil Douglis05-Jul-2009 00:51
You can feel the calm. The languid body language of the figure helps too.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography04-Jul-2009 14:54
Beautiful place and capture, Voted.
Cindi Smith04-Jul-2009 05:20
Wow, this is beautiful. At the lake myself this weekend. Good to see you posting again. Hope to see more soon! Enjoy your weekend! V