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jrdigitalart's Recent Galleries

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09-Jan-2022 00:18
Illustrative Picturing
:: Illustrative Picturing ::
20-Dec-2021 04:51
12-Dec-2021 00:44
:: Framed ::
20-Aug-2020 03:30
Wodonga City Parklands
:: Wodonga City Parklands ::
14-May-2020 00:00
Feathered Friends
:: Feathered Friends ::
15-Aug-2019 04:23
Other Local Creatures
:: Other Local Creatures ::
23-Feb-2018 08:19
Alpine NP
:: Alpine NP ::
24-Apr-2017 01:51
Metal Birds
:: Metal Birds ::
30-May-2016 09:07
Rain Forests and Waterfalls
:: Rain Forests and Waterfalls ::
08-Dec-2015 03:09
Graphic Art
:: Graphic Art ::
23-Oct-2015 06:17
:: Portraits ::
25-Aug-2014 23:37
Stitched Panoramas
:: Stitched Panoramas ::