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Jeff Poklen | profile | all galleries >> South Africa - Zuid Afrika >> Wagtails to Buntings tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wagtails to Buntings

African Pied Wagtail
African Pied Wagtail
African Pied Wagtail
African Pied Wagtail
Cape Wagtail
Cape Wagtail
African Pipit
African Pipit
Cape Longclaw
Cape Longclaw
Cape Longclaw
Cape Longclaw
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Red-winged Starling
Red-winged Starling
Cape Sugarbird
Cape Sugarbird
Cape Sugarbird
Cape Sugarbird
Malachite Sunbird
Malachite Sunbird
Malachite Sunbird
Malachite Sunbird
Southern Double-collared Sunbird, female
Southern Double-collared Sunbird, female
Southern Double-collared Sunbird, male
Southern Double-collared Sunbird, male
Cape White-eye
Cape White-eye
Red-billed Buffalo-weaver
Red-billed Buffalo-weaver
White-browed Sparrow-weaver
White-browed Sparrow-weaver
Cape Sparrow, male
Cape Sparrow, male
Cape Sparrow, female
Cape Sparrow, female
Cape Weaver
Cape Weaver
Southern Masked-weaver
Southern Masked-weaver
Southern Masked-weaver
Southern Masked-weaver
Lesser Masked-weaver
Lesser Masked-weaver
Southern Red Bishop
Southern Red Bishop
Southern Red Bishop
Southern Red Bishop
Southern Red Bishop, transitional male
Southern Red Bishop, transitional male
Long-tailed Widowbird
Long-tailed Widowbird
Pin-tailed Whydah
Pin-tailed Whydah
Pin-tailed Whydah
Pin-tailed Whydah
Village Indigobird
Village Indigobird
Cape Canary
Cape Canary
Cape Canary
Cape Canary
Drakensberg Siskin
Drakensberg Siskin
probable Yellow Canary
probable Yellow Canary
Cape Bunting
Cape Bunting