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Leland Griffin 18-Mar-2014 21:55
Jerry, I am a Muskogee, OK artist now working on acrylic painted banner for 2014 Muskogee Azalea Festival. Theme for 2014 banner(100 banners will be hung in April)is "Muskogee Flora and Fauna". I hope to present a painting partly based on some of your photographs of red tailed hawks and scissor tail flycatchers. I wonder if I may have your permission to use (with appropriate recognition of your name and work) your images for sketches for a "story painting" of a hawk in territorial confrontation with a pair of flycatchers?
At the conclusion of the annual festival, all the banners will be offered at auction and the proceeds will go to the support of Muskogee Parks and Recreation Department.
Russell Gavitt 12-Oct-2013 14:35
Jerry I met you and enjoyed your presentation at Back Swamp and Magee Marsh during the Great American Birding Festival. As I recall you were using a Panasonic LX 5 Camera mounted to your Swarovski Digiscope duriing your presentation with the Leica Digiscope Adapter and an additional plumbing supply house made adapter ring. I am planning on purchasing a used D Lux 5 and would greatly appreciate your input relative to proper mounting onto the Swarovski STX Scope and
TLS APO camera adapter which I have now purchased.
Congratulations on capturing the pheasant photos they are great.

Russ Gavitt
Natural Images
18444 Carnegie Overlook Blvd
Davidson, NC 28036-6011
Cell and Business Line 704-904-6288
Jerry Jourdan25-Jun-2013 14:21
The Nikon D7100 is a terrific camera! I was hesitant that it would be inferior to the D300(s), but it has exceeded all expectations for image quality and performance.
Julie Roscini 12-Jun-2013 12:27
I have been reading your blog for several months (just getting into birding)...and it is a fabulous blog. Thanks for the amazing images.
I took my kids to Crosswinds Marsh on Memorial Day, hoping to see some birds. After reading your recent posts, I am mildly freaking out about ticks. Since our trip was more than 2 weeks ago, I am feeling safe, but still nervous about this new reality. Do you know if using OFF will prevent these? I am sure we will be out and about birding over the summer and I want to avoid ticks. We also take our dog sometimes, so I plan to call the vet later today for his needs.
Thanks for the awwreness. Julie
Guest 19-May-2013 01:47
Dear Jerry,
From you blog, I learn that you recently changed your camera from Nikon 300S to Nikon D7100. How do you liking this camera?
Pablo Camacho 13-Mar-2013 07:15
Dear Jerry

I found on the web, your post (Jerry's Digiscoping Blog) of a Peregrine Falcon with leg bands (Peregrine Falcon - 18 Aug 2012.

I try to contact you, because I also watched this Peregrine Falcon (videos and photos) in Heredia, Costa Rica, and I know she was born in Indiana last year, but would like to post a note on environmental education in a newspaper of Costa Rica, so I would like to chat with you. My email is

For me it is very exciting to find this Peregrine Falcon, knowing she has traveled hundreds of miles to be here, is spectacular, yet it is very sad to me, that people (in Costa Rica) do not know this species, nor its wonderful journey of migration, so I want to make a note in the newspaper.

Allison Krueger 29-Mar-2012 19:50
I could wander through your shots all day! Beautiful- and thank you so much for your help with the Refuge!
Jessica Pellien 13-Apr-2011 13:15
Dear Jerry -

I would like to discuss Princeton University Press's outstanding photo field guides with you. Please drop me a line at

Thank you,
Jessica Pellien
Assistant Director of Publicity
Princeton University Press
Randy Rowe 15-Feb-2011 04:12
Jerry: wonderful pictures, particularly the long-tailed duck.

My wife and I are driving up from Ohio this weekend to meet our son and wife who live just north of Monroe. We want to do some good winter birding on open-water portions of the Lake or Detroit River area. You know this area well. Can you give us suggestions of key places for waterfowl that might work this weekend. Thanks so much. Randy Rowe
Mitchell Huff 25-Oct-2010 15:27
Jerry, Your work is outstanding. I am a Zoology student at MSU and recently started a wildlife rehab blog. I would be grateful if you would take a look and offer any insight on how to develop it further. Thanks, Mitchell
randy holland 18-Nov-2009 23:49
Jerry, I met you at Pelee about a month ago.Please change your heading to Point Pelee NATIONAL Park. It is not a provincial park. Not trying to be critical, just correct. Nice photos
Randy Holland
Richard Quick 21-Oct-2009 02:56
Once again you win with your truly great pictures. The Winter Wrens are SO good.
Paul Oosting 28-Jul-2009 13:15
Thanks Jerry!
Tony Tanoury 16-Sep-2008 17:06
Beautiful photos Jerry! I throughly enjoyed them! Congrats!
Dolores DiCicco 01-Mar-2008 22:04
Hi Jerry, I am a little confused. What is the latest camera you are using? The Canon A620 pics look much nicer than the Fuji f30, do you agree? What about the new Canon powershot TX1 coming out in May 2008, have you seen that yet? It looks like it will be excellent for digiscoping. I love your pics. Especially the Snowy Owl (I am so jealous). Keep up the good work. Thanks for any information on cameras you can give me. Dolores
Kurt Reimann 23-Feb-2008 02:35
Jerry, I hope I had just a little bit to do with your passion for photography.
Amy Farkas 07-Feb-2008 02:01
Jerry, got the link to your galleries from J.Layson and am totally engrossed. My daughters absolutely loved all the pics we went through before bed and I've promised more viewing tomorrow :) Have you thought of doing a book or calendar? Awesome shots :) Thanks for sharing!
Laurie Braman 19-Dec-2007 18:40
Loved looking at all your pix! Great job. I'm considering digiscoping. I have a Canon EOS 40D, but can't get close enough to the birds with my EF 75-300 lens. Do you have any equpment recommendations?
R. Schnase24-Jul-2007 05:24
Great to see another digiscoper! Keep up the good work. R. Schnase
Guest 08-Mar-2007 12:33
Great work, your photo galleries are fantastic.
Russ Emmons 07-Jan-2005 05:00
Great images! Nice to have met you!
Terri from Berea, OH 15-Sep-2004 01:13
I really like these pictures. I'm trying to learn shorebirds, and this is helping, keep it up!