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14-JUL-2005 Terry

July 13 - angkor

Just back from an amazing few days around the Angkor and the other temples in Cambodia.

This was taken at sunrise at Angkor Wat, a ridiculously early start (alarm clocks aren't meant to go off at 4am!)
but worth it when you get a sunrise like this.

Canon EOS 20D
1/8s f/11.0 at 53.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 07-Sep-2005 09:49
I agree.. an absolute stunner
Yiannis Pavlis15-Aug-2005 03:21
excellent capture.a great photo.beautifull light .
Di19-Jul-2005 02:27
This is amazing! Well worth getting up at 4am, I'd say. Great job!
JeremyGood18-Jul-2005 16:51
Stunning. Great silhouettes.
Dominic Kite18-Jul-2005 12:56
You have no idea how high my jelousy meter is running right now. I'd love to go to Angkor. In the meantime though, you've done an incredible job. I'll at least have this to dream about!
Jackdad18-Jul-2005 09:41
amazing - i can just imagine the atmosphere there at the time. well worth the early start.
Larry Ahern18-Jul-2005 09:29
Guest 18-Jul-2005 03:29
Now that is a spectacular sunrise. Great colour, Great shot,
Jeffery Stahlman18-Jul-2005 01:26
vert nicely done