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Strahov Monastery (Strahovský klášter)

This Premonstratensian monastery was founded in 1140. In the complex there is the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the rare Strahov Library with a number of medieval manuscripts, maps and globes, the Baroque Theological Hall, the Classical Philosophy Hall decorated with frescoes, and the Strahov Gallery, one of the most significant Central European collections of Gothic painting, Rudolfian art, and Baroque and Rococo paintings. The Strahov Monastery is the oldest Premonstratensian monastery in Bohemia and one of the most important architectural landmarks in the Czech Republic. Backed by Vladislaus II of Bohemia, Bishop of Olomouc Henry Zdík promoted the establishment of a monastery. The Strahov Monastery was founded in 1143 near the path leading to the prince's castle, at a site where guards stood watch (the name Strahov is derived from the Czech word "strahovat", to stand guard), and formed when a community of Premonstratensian monks from Steinfeld in the Rhine Valley settled at Strahov.The monastery was very quickly erected as an extensive Romanesque complex that was larger than the nearby residence of the Bohemian Kings, Prague Castle. A document from 1182 reports that a second church was consecrated. After it was damaged by fire in 1258, the monastery was restored in the early Gothic style. As a result of the Hussite movement, the significance of the monastery waned until it experienced a revival in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. In 1603 – 1612, the Gothic-Renaissance votive Church of St. Rochus was founded; it is currently deconsecrated.

Canon EOS 70D
3s f/8.0 at 17.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
KAI-WING LEUNG29-Mar-2017 02:17
Very nice night image! V
Buz Kiefer28-Mar-2017 19:05
Splendid composition. Vote.
Julie Oldfield28-Mar-2017 02:43
Very lovely. V
Frank Tran27-Mar-2017 11:43
Superb shot. V+
Richard Glenn27-Mar-2017 02:25
Love the brilliant light, very colorful. V
Dennis Hoyne27-Mar-2017 02:13
An exceptional might time image! So sharp, lighting and color is perfect. V.
Frank Brault27-Mar-2017 02:05
A marvelous historic complex. Gorgeous architecture. A fabulous night image. V
globalgadabout27-Mar-2017 01:10
strong POV, and the low light challenge well met..V
janescottcumming26-Mar-2017 23:31
A pretty night shot! V
Carter Creek26-Mar-2017 22:25
Outstanding. V
Helen Betts26-Mar-2017 21:52
That light is just superb in this beautiful night shot. V.
Zeeby26-Mar-2017 21:40
Perfectly done. V
Patrick Goossens26-Mar-2017 21:22
Exposure is spot on
victorswan26-Mar-2017 21:13
Lovely night shot super lighting and night bleu well don Jose BV
Neil Marcus26-Mar-2017 20:37
Very pretty night shot. Particularly I like the silhouetted tree against the white of the building. "V"
Jim Coffman26-Mar-2017 20:30
Simply perfect!!
laine26-Mar-2017 20:01
What a lovely night image, Jose...V
Ken Chambers ARPS26-Mar-2017 19:42
Magic in the air. The colour and lighting is superb. Jose
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