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06-MAR-2008 Jola Dziubinska



Sinister is originally a Latin term for left or to the left (and by extension, left handed).
My daughter Emi is showing her natural skill to write with left hand :)

This Weeks TITC is...."Something Sinister"

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Nikon D200 ,Nikkor AF-S MICRO 105mm f/2.8G
1/13s f/3.0 at 105.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 08-Mar-2008 16:57
great photo!
Ray Rebortira08-Mar-2008 13:44
She's in good company:
The Third Side07-Mar-2008 21:52
Better writing than my right. And I'm right-handed :-P
royalld07-Mar-2008 20:18
I did not know that. Very nicely presented.
Phillip Normanton07-Mar-2008 20:08
Ah, yes, I'd heard of that. Good pic :-)
Ric Yates07-Mar-2008 07:01
Great idea - nice take on the theme!
Yvonne07-Mar-2008 06:47
Fabulous shot Jola! Another creative person in your family!
Greg Christie07-Mar-2008 03:32
Beautiful image!
Guest 07-Mar-2008 03:20
Guest 07-Mar-2008 02:48
Beautiful composition!
Linda Willets07-Mar-2008 02:25
Barry S Moore07-Mar-2008 01:11
Great composition. I am also sinister....but have developed my dexter hand so i am ambidextrous or should that be ambisinistrous or sinisodextrous!!!!
carolynne_w06-Mar-2008 22:58
The left side where Sinister began!
Guest 06-Mar-2008 22:22
Guest 06-Mar-2008 22:15
Great idea! Nicely shot, too.
Russ Rose06-Mar-2008 22:07
Like the image. thought how hard it was to write. And lefties have it harder in a right handed world.
J. Scott Coile06-Mar-2008 20:51
I just learned this today. A benefit of participation.
Scott Browne06-Mar-2008 20:44
Good use of the original meaning of the term!
Malcolm Smith06-Mar-2008 20:02
Great idea, nicely done.
Guest 06-Mar-2008 18:53
Excellent interpretation.. and lovely handwriting!
Dick Lowthian06-Mar-2008 17:17
Wonderfully interpreted, Jola.
Nancy Lobaugh06-Mar-2008 17:09
great idea & shot!! Nice handwriting!
Guest 06-Mar-2008 16:38
well done
Maaike Huizer06-Mar-2008 15:14
Great and original entry. Good capture too.
Guest 06-Mar-2008 14:45
My daughter just failed her driving test recently -
she failed to indicate on a "sinister" turn!
Clever shot!
Máire Uí Mhaicín06-Mar-2008 14:30
Exxcellent idea! Well done.
Jonathan Popp06-Mar-2008 13:38
Great shot and clever!
Guest 06-Mar-2008 12:12
Knocking out two challenges in 1 comp, good thinking
sinister & blue
beverley harrison06-Mar-2008 09:13
great idea jola....
Ann...06-Mar-2008 07:50
Clever interpretation - great shot.
Dave Hein06-Mar-2008 07:39
I had never associated the word sinister with the left hand before this week.
I'll never hear it the old way again.
Heidi Jonker06-Mar-2008 07:34
Clever entry.
Dan Chusid06-Mar-2008 05:28
I'm a lefty too.
Watch those southpaw jokes...
; )
mathilda williams06-Mar-2008 04:48
outstanding shot! and a leftie too..... :)
Patricia Lay-Dorsey06-Mar-2008 04:43
I love this entry, Jola! And the photo is superb!!!
Sheila06-Mar-2008 04:37
haha i was going to say the same as Jason about the handwriting :-)
Clever thinking Jola.
Cindi Smith06-Mar-2008 02:39
And a lefty too! That means she must be very creative! Excellent idea, Jola!
Jason Anderson06-Mar-2008 01:57
Very nice handwriting! That in itself is a little sinister ;o)
Fantastic shot, too, the scene is right there, like there's no photograph in between.
carol j. phipps06-Mar-2008 01:32
...with the left hand, sinister by definition. Well done.
Laura Sebastianelli06-Mar-2008 00:34
It all starts so innocently...under the shadow of the pen! nice shot
BleuEvanescence05-Mar-2008 23:58
I second...and indeed, fantastic shot!
Barbara Heide05-Mar-2008 23:51
clever idea! and superb shot!
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