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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> POLAND - MY BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY >> WARSAW, POLAND >> JEWISH PLACES IN WARSAW >> Jewish Cemetery In Warsaw > Jewish Cemetery
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JAN-2007 Jola Dziubinska

Jewish Cemetery

Warsaw, Poland

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Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography22-Feb-2007 08:12
Styl mauretañski,bardzo modny na przelomie wiekow.
J. Scott Coile20-Feb-2007 17:45
Wonderful detail. That moss really adds a nice touch of color!
flowsnow20-Feb-2007 14:00
Interesting shot!
Marcia Colelli20-Feb-2007 12:10
wonderful architecture, I agree, such beautiful textures to find in cemetaries. Well done
Susan Leigh20-Feb-2007 10:04
Cemetaries make great subjects for textures, contrast and composition..
this is lovely, you have done well!
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