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Oliver Tiger Engines

This is a gallery of two halves. All engines captioned "J. Oliver" are current production, using the original tooling, dies and machinery, of John Oliver's famous engines and these are made by Tom Ridley at his Hinkley factory. All other engines are earlier models from the 1960's and 70's.

The J. Oliver Engines production is just a continuation of the original Oliver Tiger manufacturing and the serial numbers for Tom's engines just follow on from the original series. Anybody who knows Tom will understand why I have no hesitation in commending J. Oliver engines to you as they really are manufactured with care and precision and how else are most of us going to lay our hands on a MK V Tiger?

The JO19 engine was the first new engine designed and built by John Oliver and Tom Ridley jointly and as you can see it is a very handsome beast.

Tom Ridley and John Oliver continued to work together to develop the Tiger range up until Tom Ridley passed away in October 2016. Tom was a Freeman of the City of Coventry, former Coventry Bees speedway rider, Hinckley business entrepreneur and proprietor of J Oliver Engines.
Oliver Tiger Schnuerle port Cub - John Gibbs Modified
Oliver Tiger Schnuerle port Cub - John Gibbs Modified
u46/johnlich/medium/29824719.OliverTigerSchnuerleportCubrear.jpg Oliver Tiger Mk III
Oliver Tiger Mk III
Oliver Tiger Mk IV
Oliver Tiger Mk IV
Oliver Tiger Mk IV with exhaust collector
Oliver Tiger Mk IV with exhaust collector
Tom Ridley - J.Oliver Tiger Major 2 (production of all engines taken over from John Oliver)
Tom Ridley - J.Oliver Tiger Major 2 (production of all engines taken over from John Oliver)
Tom's Engine Looks Right
Tom's Engine Looks Right
Tom's Engine Feels Right
Tom's Engine Feels Right
Congratulations to Tom and Julie for producing such a nice engine
Congratulations to Tom and Julie for producing such a nice engine
J.Oliver Tiger MK 5
J.Oliver Tiger MK 5
g1/40/424040/3/129155243.w1FRG2PD.jpg J. Oliver JO 19
J. Oliver JO 19
g4/40/424040/3/141817039.6ylcP6By.jpg g4/40/424040/3/141817061.N6zZu0Cp.jpg g4/40/424040/3/141800248.HUfvVgTH.jpg Rear Induction Tiger Cub (but not an Oliver)
Rear Induction Tiger Cub (but not an Oliver)
g9/40/424040/3/154575303.wj9SKZMT.jpg Gillott Racing Products Tiger
Gillott Racing Products Tiger
g4/40/424040/3/143703198.BsOq2LuQ.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751659.QoL7LssX.jpg
g9/40/424040/3/154751660.SY08v9NJ.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751663.DCgiiSTo.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751666.cYMNIlWx.jpg Gillott Instruction Sheet
Gillott Instruction Sheet
J Oliver Tiger Mk II
J Oliver Tiger Mk II
g9/40/424040/3/154751585.PjjMaG88.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751587.RBNhSezY.jpg Oliver Tiger Mk III with ETA prop nut
Oliver Tiger Mk III with ETA prop nut
g9/40/424040/3/154751590.GB4QyhuD.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751656.yhCck8E9.jpg J Oliver Tiger mk III Long
J Oliver Tiger mk III Long
J. Oliver Tiger mk V
J. Oliver Tiger mk V
g9/40/424040/3/154751673.a2TdXwyO.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751676.yePZmKOf.jpg A pair of Oliver Tiger mk IV one factory tuned the other not
A pair of Oliver Tiger mk IV one factory tuned the other not
g9/40/424040/3/154751745.pN56ELKp.jpg J. Oliver Tiger Combat Special
J. Oliver Tiger Combat Special
g9/40/424040/3/154751753.kJTMW4Wt.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751756.c0YwEzov.jpg
J. Oliver Tiger mk IV
J. Oliver Tiger mk IV
g9/40/424040/3/154751758.mag6X4eQ.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751759.AbSzDQXJ.jpg JO 19 Standard
JO 19 Standard
g9/40/424040/3/154751761.c00ayiVe.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751890.jdnCY6YG.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751891.husINSNr.jpg JO 19 modified
JO 19 modified
g9/40/424040/3/154751893.gOmlJfFl.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751894.KM3RHJzu.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751895.40F4B3vm.jpg J. Oliver Tiger Cub mk 2
J. Oliver Tiger Cub mk 2
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Oliver Tiger Schnuerle Port - John Gibbs modified
Oliver Tiger Schnuerle Port - John Gibbs modified
g9/40/424040/3/154751967.jox7U4Y2.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751970.geiX7Pje.jpg J. Oliver Tiger Schnuerle Port Cub
J. Oliver Tiger Schnuerle Port Cub
g9/40/424040/3/154751977.srXPk6VJ.jpg g9/40/424040/3/154751981.AWyUX0Ta.jpg J. Oliver Tiger Major
J. Oliver Tiger Major