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10-AUG-2014 jCross

August 10, 2014


We got an early start this morning in order to catch the 8:00 ferry across the Northumberland to Prince Edward Island. We have pretty much figured out the weather in this part of the world:cloudy and misty with occasional sun. It is not very predictable on an hourly basis, and it is very highly variable across short distances. So it goes, we deal with it and it is not really a problem. Riding the ferry was one of the highlites for me. Mechanical doo-dahs that take you from point A to point B via Route C are always fun for me (except Delta airlines!).

We had a nice, entertaining lecture on PEI history in Charlottetown then headed to the north side of the island for lunch at Dalvay by the Sea, a pretty ritzy resort. After lunch we headed back to Charlottetown for a visit to Province House and a walkabout of the town. Later we had a nice buffet dinner at the theater in town. No beer, bummer!

When the weather is dreary, photography gets dreary as well. I hate it when that happens. As you can see from today's photo, dreary weather does not imply dreary travelers.

Canon PowerShot G15
1/125s f/8.0 at 8.4mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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