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Personalitys in the revolution of hair design in the 60s 70s | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Early years at Vidal Sassoon tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Early years at Vidal Sassoon

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Two Students from Dublin Irland  McGonigle and Vince Corrigan with Jason Peller
Two Students from Dublin Irland McGonigle and Vince Corrigan with Jason Peller
Modernity  McGonigle and Vince Corrigan From the WITCHES HUT in Dublin going home soon and changing Irland
Modernity McGonigle and Vince Corrigan From the WITCHES HUT in Dublin going home soon and changing Irland
john santilli
john santilli
john santilli teaching a student the bob cut
john santilli teaching a student the bob cut
125  the BREEZE time
125 the BREEZE time
Afro. with perm rollers?
Afro. with perm rollers?
Jason Peller the top teacher and  manager and the first students of the Vidal Sassoons first school in the world
Jason Peller the top teacher and manager and the first students of the Vidal Sassoons first school in the world
Caroline Hayes and Noreen (a student) - VS School reception
Caroline Hayes and Noreen (a student) - VS School reception
On a field trip with a student from the United States
On a field trip with a student from the United States
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