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John Cooper | all galleries >> All along the River Thames >> Flooded Roads > Now thats just being silly.
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06 11 2006 John Victor Cooper

Now thats just being silly.

Putney Embankment view map

other sizes: small medium large auto
Jason Anderson02-Apr-2010 01:32
If this is the tour boat I think I'll pass.
John Cooper11-Nov-2006 11:36
Crina, this is not normal traffic at all, but a flooded road gives people a chance to show off, as a photographer, I love these people.
Guest 11-Nov-2006 00:51
interesting traffic...
Dave Beedon09-Nov-2006 04:49
Funny! Fleet Street.
1moremile06-Nov-2006 23:42
The fleet is in.
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