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Joel McNeal's Recent Galleries

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29-Jun-2017 04:25
Common Raven
:: Common Raven ::
29-Jun-2017 04:25
Northern Arizona and southern Nevada
:: Northern Arizona and southern Nevada ::
29-Jun-2017 04:25
California Condor
:: California Condor ::
29-Jun-2017 04:25
Western Bluebird
:: Western Bluebird ::
29-Jun-2017 04:24
American Avocet
:: American Avocet ::
29-Jun-2017 04:24
American Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks, etc.
:: American Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks, etc. ::
29-Jun-2017 04:24
Southeast Arizona and central Texas
:: Southeast Arizona and central Texas ::
29-Jun-2017 04:24
Acorn Woodpecker
:: Acorn Woodpecker ::
29-Jun-2017 04:24
Lesser Goldfinch
:: Lesser Goldfinch ::
29-Jun-2017 04:22
Mexican Jay
:: Mexican Jay ::
29-Jun-2017 04:22
White-winged Dove
:: White-winged Dove ::
29-Jun-2017 04:22
:: Flycatchers ::