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Joe Fischer | profile | all galleries >> Wildlife >> Birds tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Welcome to my gallery of bird pictures. This is one of those lifetime projects in progress as I am continually looking to add new bird species and capture better images of species I have already photographed. Feel free to leave comments and vote if you like a particular gallery or image. I hope you enjoy. 829 Species and counting...

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Bohemian Waxwing
:: Bohemian Waxwing ::
Pine Grosbeck
:: Pine Grosbeck ::
Common Redpoll
:: Common Redpoll ::
Three-toed Woodpecker
:: Three-toed Woodpecker ::
Northern Pygmy Owl
:: Northern Pygmy Owl ::
Acadian Flycatcher
:: Acadian Flycatcher ::
Acorn Woodpecker
:: Acorn Woodpecker ::
African Silverbill
:: African Silverbill ::
Alder Flycatcher
:: Alder Flycatcher ::
Alexandrine Parakeet
:: Alexandrine Parakeet ::
Altamira Oriole
:: Altamira Oriole ::
American Avocet
:: American Avocet ::
American Bittern
:: American Bittern ::
American Black Duck
:: American Black Duck ::
American Coot
:: American Coot ::
American Crow
:: American Crow ::
American Dipper
:: American Dipper ::
American Golden-Plover
:: American Golden-Plover ::
American Goldfinch
:: American Goldfinch ::
American Kestrel
:: American Kestrel ::
American Oystercatcher
:: American Oystercatcher ::
American Pipit
:: American Pipit ::
American Redstart
:: American Redstart ::
American Robin
:: American Robin ::
American Tree Sparrow
:: American Tree Sparrow ::
American White Pelican
:: American White Pelican ::
American Wigeon
:: American Wigeon ::
:: Anhinga ::
Anna's Hummingbird
:: Anna's Hummingbird ::
Antillean Crested Hummingbird
:: Antillean Crested Hummingbird ::
Aplomado Falcon
:: Aplomado Falcon ::
Arabian Babbler
:: Arabian Babbler ::
Arctic Tern
:: Arctic Tern ::
Ash-throated Flycatcher
:: Ash-throated Flycatcher ::
Asian Desert Warbler
:: Asian Desert Warbler ::
Asian Koel
:: Asian Koel ::
Asian Paradise Flycatcher
:: Asian Paradise Flycatcher ::
Atlantic Puffin
:: Atlantic Puffin ::
Audubon's Shearwater
:: Audubon's Shearwater ::
Bachman's Sparrow
:: Bachman's Sparrow ::
Baird's Sandpiper
:: Baird's Sandpiper ::
Bald Eagle
:: Bald Eagle ::
Baltimore Oriole
:: Baltimore Oriole ::
:: Bananaquit ::
Band-rumped Storm Petrel
:: Band-rumped Storm Petrel ::
Bank Swallow
:: Bank Swallow ::
Bar-tailed Godwit
:: Bar-tailed Godwit ::
Bare-throated Tiger-heron
:: Bare-throated Tiger-heron ::
Barn Owl
:: Barn Owl ::
Barn Swallow
:: Barn Swallow ::
Barnacle Goose
:: Barnacle Goose ::
Barred Antshrike
:: Barred Antshrike ::
Barred Owl
:: Barred Owl ::
Barrow's Goldeneye
:: Barrow's Goldeneye ::
Bat Falcon
:: Bat Falcon ::
Bay-Breasted Warbler
:: Bay-Breasted Warbler ::
Baya Weaver
:: Baya Weaver ::
Bell's Vireo
:: Bell's Vireo ::
Belted Kingfisher
:: Belted Kingfisher ::
Bewick's Wren
:: Bewick's Wren ::
Bicknell's Thrush
:: Bicknell's Thrush ::
Bicolored Conebill
:: Bicolored Conebill ::
Black Guillemot
:: Black Guillemot ::
Black Oystercatcher
:: Black Oystercatcher ::
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