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Screen shot of my testimonry 2.jpg

Still raining - messing around with a screen capture from my testimony on Wenesday.

Stay dry..

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nomadicdragon27-Sep-2008 23:35
aww beautiful shot.
Sheila27-Sep-2008 23:23
Great screen shot! The boys look great too.
Jackdad27-Sep-2008 22:11
all three of you look wonderful!
the pooches should be pround of their mom.
Maryellen 27-Sep-2008 22:00
Faye White27-Sep-2008 19:45
The dogs are so handsome!

Bravo to you Joan!
laine8227-Sep-2008 19:23
A lovely capture of the boys Joan...great light.
I hope your voices are being heard by those with the power to improve.